the time, i indeed did think that it was a good idea to open my soda with one hand while holding it between my legs so that i could continue to eat my breakfast sandwich with my other hand. i also thought that i had completely wiped up all of the soda that spilt all over my chair. as soon as i stood up i felt it all over the back of my pants. i happen to have on those pants that claim that liquids don't set in. well, they don't after x amount of uses. these pants just give me extra time to get it off lately. there was nothing else for me to do, but walk through the cafeteria feeling around trying to assess the damage. it was about the level of i got scared and let a little go and not a full out non bladder control situation. so i marched proudly as if unaware through the cafeteria and production area until i reached the bathroom. i was lucky enough to be stuck in there with the woman who puts on all of her make up after she gets to work. she spends about fifteen minutes or more in there daily. either she's smart enough to sit back and do it on company time or she has some weird at home situation. either way, i don't think that she needs to be staring at me while i use the hand dryer on my butt. now it's time to use blogger for getting the word out. if you have an ebay watchlist....add this auction to it. if they get a certain amount of watchers...ebay will put them on their homepage which will give them the visibility that they need. then i can finally watch a damn movie there.
There is a woman - my "Ya ain't gonna kill yurself, Arlene." lady - who puts her make-up on every's fun to watch the transformation
I love it when people put their make up on on the bus/train....there is always the possibility that the bus/train will hit a bump or suddenly stop and make up will end up in all the wrong places and i can laugh quietly to's the small things in life that make me happy. :)
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