recap of my weekend. i worked over two hours overtime on friday even though i did absolutely nothing all week. feel asleep and then by the time the girl and i got to the club, it was about an hour, most likely more, of a wait to get in. piled into the full size guestroom bed with the girl and the specialist and made them watch lizzie mcguire. watched everyone eat ice cream because i didn't want to be full for a big meal that i was going to. broke into the girl's parent's house. was attacked by seven freedom recently found birds. spent a good twenty minutes looking for a dictionary in the book store. watched the mariners win while eating a brat and a hotdog. buried my nose in my armpit while in line to get on the subway. had to plea that i ordered chicken while the waiter kept saying no and that i ordered shrimp while shoving the plate towards me until nice shirt came to the rescue and told him that i was allergic. watched the water guy miss my glass, continue to pour and then walk away from the table. got blamed for all of the napkins being wet and again was saved by nice shirt who witnessed the water guy. kept thinking that it was saturday when it was indeed sunday.
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