Monday, January 31, 2005


again i may be lucky. a conference call has been scheduled at 4:30. that happens to also be the time that i leave. i haven't been told yet that i have to attend, but i have a feeling that it will happen soon. what will i be doing during said call? well, i will be sitting there staring out at the melting snow thinking about how bad traffic is going to be by the time i get out of here and that i'll need to grab something to eat during the drive before basketball practice. this will go on in my head while two people argue about something instead of calling the person from a third company that has all of the answers. i'll never understand that. saturday little big man sent out an email to everyone here some questions that needed to be answered early in the morning. it seems simple enough, but the people who have all of the answers are in germany and are getting off of work when we come in. he told me to email them and then got mad when i told him that we won't get the answers till tomorrow. ummmmm? why didn't you email them on saturday? we go through all of these channels when you can go to the direct person? espescially when you need certain answers by a certain time because for the most part when i do this (send a list of questions - more questions are asked about the answers) so why don't you just call them because i don't know what you are going to ask and i'm not going to call them twenty times a day because soon they won't want to talk to me at all. so let's have a meeting today about the answers that we will be getting tomorrow. that won't be a waste of anyone's time.


At 3:35 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

I've found that hiding for the last 15 minutes of work helps a lot when trying to ger out of having to do stuff!

At 9:45 AM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

My boss is famous for faxing. He faxes questions all day long. Whoa! Wait, that is a lie. He tells ME to fax someone a question. I don't get that at all. Why not courier it, same thing.


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