Thursday, January 27, 2005


i'm lucky, i will actually find the dentist office that i am suppose to be at around 3 to pick up sis #4 who will be sedated and needs a ride home. the thing is that i waited till today to find out the address of the place. the whole thing started with her asking me if i remember the place that i picked her up at before. well sure i remember it, but that was about 2 years ago, so even though i remember doing that for her before, i have no idea how to get there or what the building looks like, blah, blah. i found the email where a month ago she was telling me to put it on the calendar and it mentions washington street. that helps a bit i guess. i think she is already there because i have been calling her every 5 seconds to get an address. brilliant. you can count on me. i suppose that this might get me off the hook for any other favors that she might come up with in the future. possibly by the time i find it she will have taken a cab home or the medication wore off and she drove herself. then i won't have to tuck her into bed with water and snacks in reach, which also means that i won't be able to do my favorite thing. i love getting her all settled in on a lazy day or a sick day, turning the tv to the worst program i can find, turning up the volume and then placing the remote in a random coat pocket in the closet. i really crack myself up with that one every single time.


At 2:13 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

Washington....that's not a very big street. I'm sure you'll spot her stumbling around in a laughing gas daze...oooh that sounds fun!


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