Wednesday, February 09, 2005


of this bathroom talk has reminded me of another story that i hold dear to my heart. i went to our plant in mexico with three other coworkers from here. we went out to eat and had some drinks with our coworkers from there. we then hit the border at a peak time and the line was long, long, long. i was all cozy in the back of the van when i heard the driver talking about having to pee really bad and he didn't think he was going to make it. i wasn't with bosses or anything and these people were pretty cool so i proposed that i would take the driver seat and he can empty his bladder into my empty water bottle in the back of the van. technically, i wasn't worried about his well being....i just wanted to see if he would do it. it took some convincing and promising that we wouldn't look, listen or tell anyone at work and he went for it. i cranked up the radio and i could still hear him a bit. it was awesome!!! the other girls were laughing their asses off. he was all nervous frantic when he finished, but later said that he felt a ton better and it saved him. instead of having wet pants...he only had a little bit of wetness on his shoe. i became a front seat sitter.


At 3:04 PM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

how much of the water bottle was filled? hmmmmm...

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Andischmandi said...

i didn't have the pleasure of looking

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Andischmandi said...

oh i have tons of stories about people taking a leak in odd places. i'll try to share more.


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