Thursday, February 10, 2005


are a bitch. during the christmas season i hid the girl's gifts around the house in cabinets and drawers and such. i teased her like crazy about it too. well, she informed me last night that my anniversary gift is in the closet, my part of the closet and has been there for a few days. why haven't i seen it yet? well, a) i try to use the clean clothes that are in a pile on the floor first so i don't have to hang them up, b) i only get in there in the morning when my eyes are half shut and the room is dark so that i don't wake the sleeping and c) i assume it's on the end of the closet where the undecided clothes live - i don't really want to wear them, but i might need them so i don't want to give them away. from the other side of the room i looked in the closet, but she told me that i wouldn't be able to see it from there. then i promised that i wouldn't go digging to look for it. this morning i turned on the light in the closet to see what i was picking out from the pile and naturally i scanned the closet with my eyes (no hands!) and i still couldn't see anything!! maybe she moved it after i crashed for the evening. either way, it's driving me crazy. i want to just rip all the clothes down and see what's in there, but i said i wouldn't. come to think of it, my mom use to do the same thing. i had a couch in my room so all the clean clothes lived there. she would have to tell me that my gift was in there. closets are a waste of space for me, unless i'm having company, then it's a goldmine. never look in there if you come over. hahahahaha i just compared you to my mom......take that!!


At 1:00 PM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

You know, hangers are the number one cause of household accidents. have you every seen what a hand can look like when the metal hanging hook gets poked through delicate human flesh?

wa wa wa....zoom in

~ debbie downer jr.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Andischmandi said...

i didn't "go looking" for it...i just looked in the closet like normal people do with closets. no broken rules here!


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