Wednesday, April 20, 2005


every swallow i take today, i can hear my mom telling me to slow down while i eat or i'll get a cramp and the girl also advising me too take it easy and pace myself. well, where were they last night when i started shoving pizza straight from the oven into my mouth? i guess i just swallowed one bite because my mouth is ok, but i burnt my throat with a glob of oven hot cheese and it is really sore and isn't getting any better. i'm going with plan c in a few minutes which consists of ice cream. mmmmm. plan c. i don't know why i can't wait for food to cool off and i also don't know why i feel the need to constantly speed eat. maybe because i'm the youngest of six? or because we only had a few minutes to eat lunch at school? or possibly because i am always eating on the run? mix them all up and you've got one unbalanced diet with mouth and throat burns making a regular appearance. i do have the pleasure of knowing that there are some others that are in much more pain than i am today because i saw some boxers get punched a few too many times last night. during one fight, the guy was bleeding all over the place and someone in the crowd kept yelling "stop the fight!". everyone entered with a regular nose and came out with a gigantic one. my favorite was the guy wearing a t shirt with a picture of himself on it. good times.


At 1:37 PM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

I've learned that I don't chew my food. I let the acids in my stomach do all the work apparently.

Dang! I really wish I had a picture of that guy. He was just BEAT DOWN.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

I don't have any excuses as to why I eat fast...I'm just a little piggy :) I hope your throat feels better.


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