Friday, February 11, 2005


was all about cash. usually right before the lunch rush, sometimes fast food restaurants add an extra drawer or two. well, i went to mcdonald's today and the man in front of me was yelling that he gave the kid a $20 and he didn't get his change back. the kid replied with "sir, i thought it was a $5." the man then opened his wallet and showed it like every wallet is suppose to have at least 1 $20 in it at all times and everyone could plainly see that he had used his. well, the kid had the manager come over. she opened the drawer and then picked it up to show him that it was a fresh drawer and that there weren't any $20s in it at all. he replied with "oh. i guess i'm having a bad day." then walked away without giving any apologies to the kid he had just screamed at. i then dashed to target and got some cash back with my purchase and as i walked out the door i was separating the cash from the receipt and i dropped the cash, but didn't notice it until i was across the street. i wouldn't have noticed at all, but i couldn't feel it so i dug through my pants pocket for it. i could see it so i played frogger with the traffic to get to it before the wind or someone else. i use to lose cash all of the time. i remember always counting and being confused. i found $10 once when i was running through a ditch. don't ask.


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