Wednesday, February 16, 2005


should just come with a bumper that says "there is a large gap in traffic in front of me even though there is no way that you can see it. even though we are in the passing lane, i will not be passing anyone soon and for that matter, the lane of people that i am suppose to be passing at this time can see the gap and are actually passing me. you will not be able to pass me because the lane beside us is whipping past us with no gaps due to the excitement of getting to enjoy the large gap that i have already stated is in front of me and alas will always stay the same no matter how many people fill it due to my constant braking everytime i come within 1/4 mile of the vehicle in front of me. thank you and praise jesus, 4 more years, save the eggs, kill the people who fell through the system cracks, send more troops, speak english or leave and questioning the media or government is treason."


At 11:39 AM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

goodbye sweet healthcare
goodbye free turoring
goodbye free college tours
goodbye bilingual programs
put the noose on higher education grants

Wow! It's good to be a patriot, errr, a rich patriot, cuz then you can pay for all these services

THAT's how we are gonna get a volunteer army! Ohhhh! I got it!


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