Monday, February 14, 2005


valentimes day. yep, i said it like that for years. i'm not sure why. r&b michelle reminds me of it every year. i had to practice saying it right and by our senior year, i was on track. friday night the girl and i went to a movie and she was balling during it. due to cosmic events that i can not control, she ended up making fun of me all night for not crying instead of me making fun of her. that is so not right. then we rushed home to exchange gifts that we were actually suppose to give each other today, but it was close enough. i look very stylish in my new jacket and pants. they are a mixture of my favorites - puma and green, so you can't go wrong. she scored on the sizes too and yes she moved the damn things after i figured out that they were in the closet. i bestowed upon her the 3 most important things in life. video game, dvd and cd. the video game is some shoot 'em up bang, bang called mercenaries something, the dvd turned out to be one that we already had (ooops) and the cd was a guilty pleasure that will go unnamed that i sacrificed my rep on to go into the store to get it so she wouldn't have to. i use to make my nieces do that for me with the spice girls. (hey, that is some genius bubble gum pop and i enjoy all the genres - i'll fight you for bad words about them) i would take them shopping with me and then i would have them walk around with the cd or movie and when we got to the check out they would plop it on the counter and i would say something like "i guess i'll get you that, but we'll have to skip the movie then". heh. then i would have to take them to a movie as payment for the deed. i just got out of an hour long meeting where i could see trains go by and i spent the time trying to figure out if you double stack semi trailers, if shipping would be faster and cheaper in a huge bulk. then we could get rid of all the damn semis taking up the highway and blocking all the lanes. a problem would occur when you needed to distribute on a smaller scale, but at least i had something to think about. the only thing i learned during the meeting is that no fingers man is wearing patterned socks, but one of them is on inside out.


At 2:27 PM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

They say train travel is the second most dangerous in the US. It's not bad to be second, but I'd rather go down in a fiery ball into the ocean with a guarantee of death by heartattack before impact, than my body mangled by the steel of the railroad tracks and the possibility of having to walk around with a railroad stake in my hip the rest of my debilitating life....

choooo choo choo.


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