nice. we have to write self reviews here and then we give that to our boss and then they can know what we do and then they write our review. well, little big man sent out an email to us asking for our input on his self review. he went on and on about how he wants us to be honest. rrrrright. there is no way that i am telling him how i really feel while i still work here. i'm sure that no one has the balls to do so. it will equal more chaos or no job. he surely knows this and i think it is one huge set up cause the man has been screwing up hard lately and he needs all of these letters to present to his boss to show that he is doing a good job. i think it is a brilliant plan, but i believe that i will have to counter that plan with a plan of my own. i'm going to see if everyone would want to send it in via an anonymous email account. there are a few ways that this can fail a) someone rats me out for coming up with it b) no one uses it but me c) the idiots here put their name on it anyway d) some are going for a major kiss ass either way. i really don't have it in me to praise him and i can't see how a few others would want to either. am i being evil or am i just trying to be fair? maybe i can stand outside of his office with a petition and gather a small sit down in the lobby or i can just keep correcting him in front of everyone like usual. other than that, while i was walking around with a pen in my hand, i marked all over my shirt. yay!
Smart idea about the anonymous - I think you would get screwed though, good call. I'm learning, when it comes to people - honesty isn't necessarily the right policy. WHo thought that up anyway?
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