i took the day off and slept and slept. in the morning before i called in i thought of things that needed to be done around the house to justify my staying home for more reasons than making sure that big al and kimono made it off alright. i came up with a pretty good list during my between snooze alarm napping, but as soon as they were out the door, i crashed and didn't get up until i would have been getting off of work. so screw the list. then i went to bed early. heh. it was a good weekend though. big al and i discovered that we have had matching keyboards this whole time and that kimono is the only one that can truly play them. the girl got to see a different side of me. i think she approves of the spontaneous interviews about various products and loud noise making. i'm glad that my core gets along with my other half. that goes for the newbies too.
Truly was a pleasure to party with you, the girl, Big Al, and Kimono. It made my FeBrewary. Can't wait till they decide St. Loius is Shit and Chicago is The Shit
Super fun weekend, I'm still trying to recover! I wish I could stay home and sleep. Your friends rock and should definitly move to Chi-town :)
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