hour long meetings are awesome. key things that i love about them: sitting next to someone who would be angered by you doodling, people going way off topic and making it even longer, getting cold air blown on you and then getting sweaty hot, then getting cold air blown on you and certainly then getting sweaty hot, breaking your pen, running out of mountain dew, sitting in front of the guy who keeps slamming papers around, watching the guy who keeps dosing off, getting asked a question when in your head you have been thinking of a shopping list and have no idea what the question was, thinking that you are almost done and then they go off topic again, tapping loudly, noticing that you have been tapping loudly and at the end realizing that the guy who ran the meeting didn't cover the actual reason that you were in the meeting, but in fact covered the opposite.
i was in dipshit's office this morning for over an hour. just standing next to him while he fuddled around on the computer telling me to same things over and over and over and over and over again (you get the drift)...I almost blew up at one point, but somehow managed to contain myself. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I have a tremendous amount of scurf on my face. Dry friggin' skin makes me insane. ahhhhhhhh....My back hurts! But, Hey! Better than these kinds of meetings! I concur!
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