Thursday, February 17, 2005


la, la, la, la little big man hurt his back and went to the doctor. he could get medicine and be gone for days, weeks, months! or he could be back in an hour, either way after his parading around the office yesterday all fired up, angry and hitting things, one minute of him being out of the building is pure pleasure. things have been so busy lately that the girl hasn't even been able to give me my one year review. i have hers all charted and graphed, but i will have to wait till next week maybe. on our actual anniversary, her car broke down and we did that whole thing with a dinner between pick ups and car swapping. last night i went all crazy cleaning the house for big al and kimono's arrival. all i have left is the bathroom and the dreaded five loads of laundry to fold. i'll chug some mountain dew and get on that or i'll just shove it in the closet and shut the door. hmmmm......tempting. brainstorming always finds the answer. this morning a cop was flying down the highway in all of his get out of the way glory and i jumped behind him (plenty of room between us) because he was doing a fine job of clearing a path for me. then he hit an exit and turned all of his stuff off and went up the ramp like normal. nice.


At 3:59 PM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

one year review huh? do you two actually do that? I need more info on this.

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Andischmandi said...

we did at 6 months because naturally i was being cute. now i just want to see if i achieved my goal plan.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Nobo said...

shoving it all in the closet works for me. did you see that I even managed to shove my bed in my closet for my party?


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