i caught the tail end of a report this morning on the radio that was talking about police being along the highway every five miles tomorrow. now i know that i will have to leave three hours early to get to work. i'll have to set the cruise control and not take off when i hit the part of the highway that is so open and inviting. hahhaha!!! no tickets for me!!!! the aussie and i were trying to figure out the whole camping trip and we think that memorial day weekend (may 28-30th) would be a good as far as amount of time and weather. any reasons to oppose? surely everyone knows that they are invited. nice shirt is in too, so that's three. who wants to help sis #4 move? she's already bribing me with mountain dew live wire and lawn furniture that i can't fit into my car to take. the thing is that she is going to move twice. she has to be out of her current place by the end of march and her new place won't be ready until september. i believe the course of action is to get one of those storage pods that they drop off and pick up. she uses pea pod a lot too even though she lives right by three grocery stores. she said that she likes shopping with her pajamas on. i don't see the problem with going to the store like that. reeka spent a whole year in her pajamas and didn't die. i feel the need to hang out with sis #4 a lot in this last month. milwaukee isn't that far, but it will be much harder to stop by. now milwaukee has trumped chicago as far as parental or other sibling visits. sis #1 lives in milwaukee and sis #4 has always been the neutral place to go. now i'm going to have to haul it all the way to milwaukee everytime there is a relative in town. boooo! i know this is all very exciting for you to read, but i hate leaving the city on the weekends and i want to share my pain with everyone. maybe i can hitch a ride with the surfer.
If you let me take care of the fire: Building the pit, Chopping Wood, Starting, Putting out; then I am in.
I LOVE taking care of the fire and no one can take that away!
I'm down w/ camping and know a great place, halfway between St. Louis and here in case your St. Louis peeps wanna meet.
i have my parent's farm on the brain, but it's open for discussion. the fire is all yours since i have been banned from starting it due to my gas trail designs that led to a beautiful start up explosion. it was pure art. and 4, plus me, so really 5.
someone sounds like a closet pyro! haha. i'd like to be in charge of supervising everyone else's duties! :) or be executive chef of toasted marshmellows over the brillliantly built fire.
AHHHH....i forgot about life on the farm.....
i love to camp. my mom always brings the kitchen sink when we camp. im much more of a minimalist camper. but i do like to bring plenty of beverages.
When i was a kid i had so many badges on my girl scout sash, my mom had to start sewing them on the back. and the majority of them were for camping. hey, if youre good at something, stick with it!
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