Friday, April 29, 2005


are usually pretty stable on my pants, but i guess i have worn this pair way too much. plus, factor in trying to change clothes around the octopus and you've got a button bouncing around on the bathroom floor. i'd be concerned that this happened at work, (the button falling off part - not the changing clothes/octopus part - although my career could change during my job hunt) but this pair is zip up with two buttons at the top, so i am good. i'm sure that i'll even continue to wear them. little big man was just going on and on to a customer about how hard it is to get answers from japanese companies and that they don't work with demands and if you push them too hard they will just stop giving you answers. he continued to talk about this subject to get her to loosen up on us. then she responded with: i have a few things for you. number one. i am japanese. number two. blah, blah, blah. i dunno, i was too busy watching him squirm. number three. i completely agree with you. no! no, no, no!! yell at him. damn. the time between number one and number three was pure classic though.


At 1:56 PM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

I was laughing so hard, the japanese made button just popped off of my pants....


At 3:45 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

i love it when people get caught out...even if i have been that person on the odd occasion! :)


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