Monday, May 02, 2005


just wasn't fast enough. i saw coldplay tickets listed for $35, i clicked and they were gone. i've been sick to my stomach for about thirty minutes now about it. i want to get these tickets for the girl, but fuck! it's been nothing but trouble since they were suppose to go on sale. here's a little background, one of my favorite bands moved their concert to a bigger space that they might not even fill, so i was able to get tickets easily last weekend. now one of her favorite bands is playing a special show at a really small place and the scalpers have all the tickets and have listed them for an average of $400. so you can see where fist are up out of disappointment. then i was teased with the $35 tickets and i'm now emotionally exhausted. i spent the first softball game of the season chasing a dog, being tangled up by said dog and trying to convince a kid that it's not nice to throw dirt as she threw dirt at me. i did get to see my mom this weekend and when i giggled from her "alright" response to my good bye "i love you" she yelled "if i didn't love you, i wouldn't put up with your crap." that works for me. i also purchased new pants that drew attention to my ass. a girl can't ask for much more than that.


At 2:27 PM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

was that the pants from softball? i seem to remember someone whooting to the FACOTY, "WHHHHEWWWW!!!! NICE ASS!!!"

You mom. Now that is endearing!

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Andischmandi said...

heh. i thought i sat in gum or something.

mama is cranky before coffee.


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