Thursday, May 05, 2005


peanuts or cocktail peanuts are delicious. the mail your own package postage machine at the post office is fucking brilliant. the two story target with the cart escalators is a tour stop for my missourians. if the bulls win the championship this year, the coach will be fired. i sent my mom a dollar in a mother's day card. they don't sell live wire mountain dew here at work. i'm still giddy in love with the girl. i don't much care for chocolate. i think that sixteen candles is one of the best movies ever. i watched the matrix for the first time a few months ago. when i was ten, i sat down in the basement and ate so many oranges that just the smell of them made me sick for years. the other day i was late and just grabbed a can of fruit cocktail and the can opener for lunch. i played the saxophone in school because too many people were already playing the drums. no fingers man won't listen to me about anything dealing with electronics because i'm a girl. the wheel on the wheel of fortune is really heavy so they don't have to wait long for it to stop. do you post it, tape or paper weight? i have a scar on my leg because i jumped out of a tree wrong and landed on a barbed wire fence and didn't tell my parents to get stitches. orlando or miami?


At 11:23 AM, Blogger Nicole said...

ahh, random thoughts and streams of consciousnes...i can't type quick enough to document my sometimes they're just too weird :)

At 12:52 PM, Blogger BionicChick3 said...

Post it with a piece of tape for insurance. Never been to Florida. Don't trust the shape of the state.


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