in advance does not work. my birthday falls on good friday this year. it's cool because i get a three day weekend, it's bad because it's easter weekend and i live five hours from home. i brought this up to my family two months ago. i needed to know how to plan my birthday celebrations and hanging out with the family. everyone was going to come up here so i could party at night and visit during the day. i was planning a duo birthday party with the musician and everything. well, i've got mail and it says that sis #4 (who would have been the hostess here) has decided that she wants to go there. hello? why do you think i asked before? now everything is messed up and i don't know what to do. i want to spend my birthday with the girl, i want to see my parents. the girl offered to go home with me, but she has to work on friday and i know that she wants to be with her family. the girl also has taken the time to plan something on friday night and i don't want to ditch on that. three day weekends home don't come up too often. i can always take a friday off and do that, but then not everyone is there. i can't make a decision and i am tinkering with all the plans so that i don't have to make one until the day actually comes. so now everyone is just on hold and that sucks for them too.