Thursday, May 05, 2005


peanuts or cocktail peanuts are delicious. the mail your own package postage machine at the post office is fucking brilliant. the two story target with the cart escalators is a tour stop for my missourians. if the bulls win the championship this year, the coach will be fired. i sent my mom a dollar in a mother's day card. they don't sell live wire mountain dew here at work. i'm still giddy in love with the girl. i don't much care for chocolate. i think that sixteen candles is one of the best movies ever. i watched the matrix for the first time a few months ago. when i was ten, i sat down in the basement and ate so many oranges that just the smell of them made me sick for years. the other day i was late and just grabbed a can of fruit cocktail and the can opener for lunch. i played the saxophone in school because too many people were already playing the drums. no fingers man won't listen to me about anything dealing with electronics because i'm a girl. the wheel on the wheel of fortune is really heavy so they don't have to wait long for it to stop. do you post it, tape or paper weight? i have a scar on my leg because i jumped out of a tree wrong and landed on a barbed wire fence and didn't tell my parents to get stitches. orlando or miami?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


sounds are coming from a bathroom stall in a frequent manner lately. today was the fourth day that i have been in there while someone is engaged in a fairly odd activity for a bathroom stall. i can't quite pin down the noise, but it seems as if they are shuffling through papers or bending cardboard, but it's not exactly either of those and it goes on for at least ten minutes (i'm a bit of a germaphobe - scrub those hands! and i was trying to figure out the sound). anyway, i am way curious now. the thing that bugs me the most is that i will probably never know. that might be the good thing.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


glue gun plus me equals a yelp and a huge tender blister. yesterday i had to glue odd shaped things onto a flat piece of plexiglass. i decided that it would be best to just put a ton of glue on it and set it on the board instead of cutting the pieces flat. mix that with my attention span and seconds later globs of hot glue were pouring all over my fingers. it had also been five minutes since my last shot of caffeine so i wasn't able to react quick enough to wipe it off. instead, i just looked at it wondering what had happened and why my finger was in pain. then "hot stuff" clicked in my brain and i went straight for the pants wipe. then i finished up by putting the pieces at a slight angle with my fingers away. i completely forgot about it, turned to my keyboard and went at it. type, type, ouch, type, ouch, ouch, ouch, type. i ran it under cold water and then tried typing with my finger in the air. it worked most of the time.

Monday, May 02, 2005


just wasn't fast enough. i saw coldplay tickets listed for $35, i clicked and they were gone. i've been sick to my stomach for about thirty minutes now about it. i want to get these tickets for the girl, but fuck! it's been nothing but trouble since they were suppose to go on sale. here's a little background, one of my favorite bands moved their concert to a bigger space that they might not even fill, so i was able to get tickets easily last weekend. now one of her favorite bands is playing a special show at a really small place and the scalpers have all the tickets and have listed them for an average of $400. so you can see where fist are up out of disappointment. then i was teased with the $35 tickets and i'm now emotionally exhausted. i spent the first softball game of the season chasing a dog, being tangled up by said dog and trying to convince a kid that it's not nice to throw dirt as she threw dirt at me. i did get to see my mom this weekend and when i giggled from her "alright" response to my good bye "i love you" she yelled "if i didn't love you, i wouldn't put up with your crap." that works for me. i also purchased new pants that drew attention to my ass. a girl can't ask for much more than that.